Sunday 22 June 2014

a day in the life of cale: PRIDE EDITION.

 My day is going to start of the night before, because technically these photos happened after midnight. Here I am posing with Andrew Christian's trophy boy Pablo. Isn't he gorgeous? 
And below is a photo of myself doing tequila shots with Pablo and the beautiful fashion designer, Andrew Christian, himself. It was an honor modeling his underwear and meeting him.

 I woke up after a very horrid sleepless night at approximately 10:30. For whatever reason I decided to open my bedroom window which was a horrible idea because the tequila from the night before combined with sunlight was not a good combination.

 This was the only thing I ate all day. My favorite weekend breakfast baked oatmeal! It's like carrot cake and delicious as fuck. I weigh and track nutrients of pretty much everything I eat. It's a fun lifestyle.

 Look at it baking. Mmm, so delicious. 

 Then I made myself a delicious coffee. I'm too classy to drink regular drip. Espresso for this bitch, only. 

 And alas, here I was on the 302 float. By this time I was already drunk which began my epic fail of taking photos of my day. I don't actually work for 302 and almost died jumping on to the back of the float, but I had a blast dancing and throwing beads in the Pride Parade. 

 Drunk selfie #1

 Taking photos on the float. So much fabulousness going on.

 The crowd parading behind the float. Look at all those fabulous equality marchers. 

 Drunk selfie #2

 I was now off the float and had since gone for lunch at Jerry's Food Emporium. I had a beer, and that was all. I ran into the gorgeous Erin Lang who was flipping burgers like the hot bitch she is. Also, drunk selfie #3

 Drunk Selfie #4 in the beer gardens. 

 Drunk selfie #5 on the way to the liquor store. For more liquor. Which was obviously needed at that point. 

 Drunk selfie #6 waiting for Cole to get beer. It took approximately 12 years. Or maybe I was just being drunk and impatient. Probably the latter. 

 I just met her but it's never too early in your relationship with someone to kiss them in a drunk selfie. This is #7 in case you hadn't counted. 

 Gay beer pong is a Pride must. Don't ever play with someone who doesn't drink though because then you end up chugging 3 beers yourself which is never a good idea. OR always a good idea? Ya, I'll go with that. 

 I made it back home and took a shower. I made a slight drunken embarrassment of myself in front of my family. I mean, it was only in the middle of the day? Hey.. It was Pride. What do you expect? Also, I lied... I did also have a protein shake yesterday. But I don't know if Almond Milk and powder really counts as food. Drunk selfie #8
 Alas, commence the 3rd Annual Glitter party hosted by my fabulous best girlfriend. Booze and glitter is the perfect combination and my favorite ladies top it all off. 
Drunk selfie #9 

 Let the glittering happen. There are several ways you can go about glittering youself. We used a combination of glue, lotion, hairspray, and the ever famous "throw glitter into the air and run through it" method. 

 Drunk selfie #10 with my number one homo Michael. I love this kid beyond belief. 

 It takes true skill to take a drunk selfie (#11) while Colby was having her stomach glittered. Epic. 

 Banging Colby from behind is usually part of my daily routine. 

 My best girls and I always have to pose for fabulous photos together before a night out on the town. 

Drunk selfie # 12. I took literally 2 photos at the bar and I don't even know who this girl is but judging from the fact that she made it into a photo with me chances are likely that I absolutely adored her.

Check out a few photos that ended up of me online from Pride this year that I didn't take!! Just to give you a better taste of what my day actually was like! 

Until next time,

Cale, The Sassy Friend. 

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