Monday 23 June 2014

A Rainy Day in the Life

What is that awful noise disturbing my precious slumber?

Ah, yes... I'm in real life. And I have to work... (this picture was approximately 31 minutes after my alarm first went off. It's a good day when I can get up after pressing snooze only three or four times. I've been late to work many times in the past because of my problems with pressing snooze in my sleep). It's Friday June 20th, 2014.

Here is my work attire. Jeans and a company shirt. Prepared to get dirty, essentially. 

Oh. It's raining? hmmm...

Guess I better wear my hat. 

Hop in my car. I have an '07 Honda Civic. It's been good to me thus far!

The commute through my neighborhood!

It's our stock transfer day at work. One of my coworkers and I have to unload the truck!

Here's the front door. Behind the rainy window.

Here's my baby. #28. I fork a lot of things with this sexy beast. 

Here is my office. The stock yard. We distribute stones and bricks for commercial and residential projects. Lots of heavy lifting.

But, couldn't do that heavy lifting in the rain without being first sent to good ol' Canadian Tim Hortons for some coffee and donuts! (Paid for by the company, so I can't complain.)

It's nice, because I rarely have time for breakfast in the morning after sleeping through my alarm for so long. So it tides me over until lunch.

Okay, I'm back! Classic convex mirror selfie on the forklift. My coworker took my fork while I was away. God damn him.

He pretty much unloaded the whole truck, so I got stuck in the rain receiving the order. These are the invoices. Needless to say, we had to print off other copies because these were toast. Or the opposite of toast. Whatever.

All this rain has eroded the cinder block wall! It's amazing how effortlessly nature can reclaim the land that humans have ruined. I admire it. 

Here is my view Monday to Friday, 7:30 to 4.

Getting bored. Let's take a selfie!

Workin' hard or hardly workin'?

Ran out to tell Andy that I am going for my lunch. Caught him on his phone. Sneaky little bugger.

I am seriously lacking groceries at home, so I decided I'd have to find a lunch elsewhere.

Vern's Pizza it is! mmmmm.

Oh god. Look at that. Holy shit. I can't handle these pictures.

I can smell it's tastiness just looking at this picture.

Went back to work. Got soaked after half an hour. 

My jeans are drenched. Luckily it was rather warm outside!

Along the fence on my favorite hiding spot at work are some old discontinued, broken bricks. Thought it was a nifty picture. It's aight.

Next door is an old car-wreckage lot. I see this van a lot. It kind of creeps me out. I wonder how many people have died in the cars in this lot. I imagine this place being heavily haunted at night time. 

ANDY LET'S GET OUT OF HERE WE'RE DONE! (He loves his job, he never goes home).

All locked up. WOO!

Always battling the traffic on my way home. It tests my patience every day. 

All ready for the rest of the day! Gonna go to midtown to get a new do! Yes, I go to the mall to get my haircut. At a walk-in salon. They've always done my hair well, and I have a couple of hairdressers who do really well. Neither of them were in today, so I ended up with a different hairdresser and I actually had minor panic attacks. I don't know why. My hair grows so fast that it really doesn't matter who cuts it because it looks exactly the same a week later anyway. 

Underground parking because why not when it's pouring rain outside. I always sacrifice the couple bucks for this convenience.



Okay! Now I am meeting my ladyfriend and her family for a nice little meal at Gibson's for fish and chips!

So tasty. I feel like today was not the best day to take pictures of my meals. I swear I don't eat this shitty everyday. *shifty eyes* This meal consisted of a lot of talk about tattoos. The fellow beside us had a tattoo of Smaug from the illustration on the map inside The Hobbit novel. We told him how much we admired it. Then the server commented on my tattoos and asked me where I got them done. I was flattered. Sailor-ish restaurant, tattoos, tasty food, good company. Couldn't have been better!

Marley took my camera on our drive to Target. She dressed like a hippie this day. She's pretty cute. She just got back from an almost 3 month long trip to the Bahamas. Although you can't tell in these pictures, she is extremely tanned. I'm happy to have her around again!

Stop light selfie!

Driving selfie!

Target purchases. Some make-up, some bounce, some article of clothing (sports bra? I can't remember), and an extremely large pillow. Oh Target. It's got everything you need! ...Look at her button face though!

[ugly] Singing selfie!

We went to the movies, but I'm a goodie-two-shoes and am afraid to take pictures in there cuz I might get in trouble with the law. So I took a very dark picture of the silhouette of my drink. We saw Maleficent (it was my 2nd time). I love the movie. I think the magic of the Moors is a thing of beauty, and I could get lost thinking about it any time. Also, I love how powerful Maleficent is painted, because a lot of movies always rely on dialogue to prove how powerful some characters are, but Maleficent showed us with her magic and her cunning and strong-willed mind. 

Say good night Marley! (I drove her home after chilling for a bit)

My end-of-day bed selfie. Don't mind the bloodshot eyes. Contacts and 3D movies are always a bad idea for me. I forget to blink sometimes!

This is the clock. I finally managed to shut the light off and roll over to sleep at this time. Looking forward to sleep in the following morning without having an alarm to wake me multiple times!

Until next time!


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