Sunday 22 June 2014

Friday, June 20, 2014

I went to bed around 6AM because I have probably the worst sleeping schedule possible.

Woke up a little while later.  I rarely work until afternoon so I almost always wake up before my 'just in case' alarm goes off.

This is my real alarm clock.  He may look innocent but moments earlier he was head-butting me in the face. 

Rise and shine!

These are my unicorn tears.  At least, I hope they are.  I tried to use my iPhone charger as a reference to how small this bottle is, and it cost me fifty dollars!  So, for that price, they'd better be unicorn tears!
(Pray that you never need prescription eye drops, folks.)

I ventured downstairs to check my mail.  NOTHING.  :(

This is my dishwasher / best friend.  I left it running when I went to bed so I unloaded it this morning.

My breakfast.  A delicious tomato muffin in an adorable Winnie the Pooh wrapper.

Then I spent some time internetting while I watched The Lion King.  Flash watched it with me- he likes lions.

Learning about the circle of life can really work up an appetite.  SNACK TIME.  And just to clarify. that is not veggie dip with my cucumbers, it's a massive dollop of cream cheese.

Started getting ready for work, I was pretty pumped up about  The Lion King still, so I listened to my Disney playlist.  It's magical.

I don't really wear a lot of makeup (if any) to work most days.  There is no big hidden meaning behind this other than that I'm super lazy.  Also, yes, that is drugstore blush.  It's the only colour I've ever found that doesn't make me look like a cheap hooker from the 1980s ('cuz that's what happens to pale people).  But if you have any better suggestions, send them my way!

It's Friday so I'm wearing my Freedom Friday shirt.  It's 10000000000x better looking than my old Freedom Friday shirt, if anyone was wondering.  Also, I attacked my hair with a spray bottle before taking this picture. 

(I hope you read that in the voice of the boats!boats!boats! girl from HIMYM.)

I walk to work, so it would be nice if it wasn't raining.  But oh well, it's only three blocks,

My job.

My desk.

The first thing I usually do when I get to work on Fridays is go to the bank.  It's right across the street, but I still wish it wasn't raining.

While, I'm out and about, I often head to Starbucks as well.  Most people take their coffee in the morning, but I tend to start work just around the time that people naturally hit an afternoon slump so that's a good excuse too.

(Don't mind my chipped nail polish.  Ugh.)
You can judge me for this if you want, but I like a lot of sugary goodness in my coffee.

Some snacks from 7-Eleven to go with my Starbucks.  I wish 7-Eleven had a customer loyalty card.

Time for some Cash Store College.  Our training videos try to be 'fun' by having 'cool' soundtracks- this one had Bruno Mars.

I braided my hair while watching it.

A very late lunch.  Lupper?
This is actually a pretty standard meal for me, I'm not sure what that suggests about my lifestyle.  

This would be better if it still came with pepperoni, and a tiny chocolate bar instead of fruit.

Getting close to closing time!  The radio doesn't come in well when it's raining so I decided to put on my own music instead.  I'm getting ready for Jersey Boys later at the same time.

I gave these people loans today.

At close, I call all of the other stores in our region and ask them how much money they made.  Tonight was actually kind of cool because I found out that I have a mutual friend with one of the people who works at another one of our stores.

My brother picked me up from work and we went for dinner at Las Palapas.  I had shrimp tacos, they were delicious!
I also had a peach palapas while we were waiting for our table, but I forgot to take a photo of it before drinking it.  I also forgot to take any pictures of me with  my brother (even though I texted him ahead of time to warn him that I would.)

We went to see Jersey Boys  at the Galaxy.  There were a lot of little things that bothered me, but overall I liked it.

There were maybe twenty people in the theatre besides us, even though it just came out today.  About fifteen of those other people were age sixty or older.

As soon as I got home, I had a small furry visitor.  I don't know what his real name is, but I call him Mr. Meow.

This was the first time Mr. Meow came over since before winter, so Flash was pretty excited.  #catbromance

As soon as Mr. Meow left, I went to bed (around 1AM).  I try to go to bed early on Fridays because Saturday is the only day that I work in the morning, but I didn't actually fall asleep until around 5:30.  Remember what I said about having a terrible sleeping schedule?


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