Everybody has that one person they look up too. In reality,
I think we all have at least 30 people we look up to. It seems like at
different points in my life, as I evolve, I look up to different people for a
myriad of reasons. We constantly evolve, and although we remain the same
person, I feel like we’re continually changing how we identify ourselves. I
think that’s why we relate and look up to other people so easily: they guide
the path to who we want to be.
I’m going to be completely honest with you: I think that
cliché, stereotypical role models are the most annoying things in the world. If
you tell me your favorite quote of all time is “Be the change you wish to see
in the world” because Gandhi is like, “soooo
your hero,” I’ll probably punch you in the face and then vomit on you. Sure
Gandhi is a good guy (okay, great guy), but where’s the originality? I could
see how someone might call Michael Jordan or something their role model (if
you’re an 8 year-old fat kid who thinks you’ve got a chance at a basketball
career) because they aspire to be a pro athlete like him. Sorry honey, you’re
probably never going to be a famous Indian Civil Rights activist leading India
and the rest of the world to freedom. Keep dreaming...
I’m sure Gandhi was a great guy and all, but I think it’s
time to get realistic here. I think the perfect role model is someone who
fights for what they believe in, but it should be something a little more
realistic. There are many causes that we can fight for on a much smaller, and
personal scale. Exhibit A:
Miley loves her weed and she CAN’T STOP (“annnnnd we can’t
stop, and we woooon’t stop”) fighting for her beliefs in it and passion for it
until it becomes legal everywhere! Fight for what you believe in girl! We all
could use that perseverance...
A perfect role model is also comfortable in his or her own
skin. Whether you’re fat, skinny, beautiful, sexual, ugly, tall, short or
prudish you need to embrace that quality about yourself. Nothing exudes
confidence more than walking out into the public eye exactly as you want to be
seen and wearing that look with confidence.

You can fight for civil rights and not be Gandhi, as well.
Sure, he did it on an absolutely massive scale and is incredibly well known for
it, but I’d hate to leave out the smaller individuals who fought for equal
rights, as well. They’re the ones who mean the most, anyways (yeah, yeah,
Gandhi, we get it... You want freedom)
Girl power is a civil right, too... Right? Glad you agree.
I think a role model should also do whatever they possibly can to make sure they give their children, if they have any, the best possible life they can. That’s why so many people consider their parents as their role models (well, those of us fortunate enough to have a good upbringing, at least). Parents are incredibly responsible for shaping this world. Our mothers and fathers had parents of their own and some day most of us will have children, as well. It’s a parent’s responsibility to put good, noble people back into this world! My parents always pushed me to pursue something that I loved but gave me the freedom to choose and follow my heart, kinda just like this winner!
I may not have done pageants on televisions, but Honey Boo
Boo loves her pageants and she just happens to get a bigger paycheck than I
ever did from any of my dance competitions growing up. #parentingwin
Nothing says “role model”
quite like determination and hard work. If we all worked as hard as some of our
role models the world would truly be a better place
Seriously, imagine if everyone looked like that. Keep doing
those crunches, sugar.
A perfect role model should never change who they are. Why pretend to be something you’re not? I know I’m currently growing into the person I want to be, but when I finally find that person, why change it?
Who says 60-year old woman can’t wear bondage. NOBODY.
And last, but not least, I believe an ideal role model should have had to overcome an extremely difficult time in their life but still manage to make it out alright. We all have dark periods in our lives, but proving that we can get past these periods, live to tell the tale, and hopefully spread a positive message to someone else about it then I’d say you’re most definitely someone to look up too.
If you could construct your very own role model who would you choose to piece together and what traits would they have? I’m sure it probably looks a lot like mine...
Until next time!
xoxo, Cale
The Sassy Friend.
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