Monday 5 May 2014

Funny Faces Tracing Fun: Now in Real Life

I’ve always had a difficult time identifying people who I would classify as “role models” or “heroes”.  Whenever the question would come up in a highschool English class, I would write a paragraph or two about some noble deed someone had done and claim that I looked up to them because of it.  While it wasn’t a complete lie, it wasn’t the truth either- it was never someone I fully considered to be my “role model”.  I think part of my problem is that no one person has all of the qualities I would want to emulate.  But if I could create my OWN role model?  Well, that might just be do-able.

Much like Dillon and his desire to be a sassy evil octopus, I couldn’t help but think of myself DIYing a role model using a specific method.  But rather than stealing my traits from unsuspecting mermaids, I imagine myself carefully tracing all of my desired bits and pieces and creating my own biography.  Growing, up I had two books we’d gotten at a garage sale, filled with an assortment of body parts to trace and create your own cartoons.  But the fun didn’t stop there!  Not for me!  My cousin, Miranda, and I would waste away hours at a time, carefully creating a cartoon and then filling out complete (and hilarious, if I do say so myself) background information for each creation.  It would start with a name, an age, a hometown, and continue on from there: likes and dislikes, occupation, interesting facts.  And so, for me, that is how I will envision myself as I fashion a Frankenstein’s monster of good morals and desirability.

To begin with, I would like the endless curiousity and enthusiasm of a child.  Almost any child, really.  Children are so full of wonder and they never stop questioning the world around them.  That’s definitely a quality I would like.  A never-ending thirst for knowledge with a dash of playful innocence.

To continue on the trend of non-specific role models- I would also like the fierce independence of a cat.  Cats don’t need anybody but themselves , but at the same time, they aren’t so high and mighty that they don’t appreciate being loved.  Plus, they’re both adorable and hysterical.  And once again, a healthy dose of curiousity.  I WOULDN’T want to inherit their inability to resist a Temptation though- that’s a trait I already have more than enough of, thank you very much.

The intelligence of a physicist.  Who wouldn’t want to have such vast knowledge so easily accessible and understood.  But I would want it to be a funny and relatable physicist- maybe Neil DeGrasse Tyson.  Because there’s no use becoming so knowledgeable about science, only to give up social skills and general likeability.

I would also want the kindness of a religious leader.  I don’t mean a cult leader or some pervy priest, I mean someone who genuinely believes in what they are preaching.  Be it Gandhi, or Buddha , or Jesus, or Muhammad, or any number of other religious figures, I want the ability to truly put other people’s needs, wants, and happiness before my own.  Let’s face it- being selfish is kind of fun sometimes, but imagine a world where no one derived any pleasure out of anything but kindness towards others, first and foremost.  Unbelievable.

Other traits I would definitely want, but can think of no particular source to “trace” them from are: side-splitting humour, magnetic charisma, ferocious bravery, and unwavering self-assuredness.  Also Dumbledore’s magical skills because obviously.


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