Saturday 3 May 2014

Poor, Unfortunate Souls

When I think of people who are my role models, I think of myself as Ursula from Disney’s The Little Mermaid. I want to magically steal their wonderful qualities and wear a cool seashell necklace. Obviously with the compilation of all of these qualities I would rule the world as an insanely menacing, bodacious giant octopus woman, right?

 If I had to choose people to make myself into a conniving Kraken, I would start with Ursula’s motto: “Don’t underestimate the importance of body language!”

 Body language, I am HORRIBLE at it. I am very obvious, I flail my hands aggressively when I talk, and I never know how to present myself in public. Who I would want to steal their confidence in their body would be someone like Finnick Odair from The Hunger Games. And I am referring to the character from the book series, not the movie. In my mind he just seemed to have a way of manipulating his body language (not to mention probably looked pretty decent in a bathing suit). So I will take that, thank-you!

 Next, staying with Ursula’s wants and needs, I would totally like to steal someone’s voice. With that said, there are so many people whose voices I idolize. You all already know my love for Christina Aguilera’s voice, but I wouldn’t really want hers per say, I’d want something different from everyone else’s that just strikes some sort of passion hormone in everyone’s brain. Amy Lee is a great contender too, but obviously I would want to aim for a male voice (although a male with a female’s voice is definitely unique). I think I love the gruff voice of Greg Holden the most. If you haven’t heard him, here’s a video of one of my favorite songs of his. He has music on itunes! Buy it! Love it! In the meantime, I’m going to make him sing his voice into my magic conch. What? 


 Then, to hold my body and my voice together (without tentacles), I need to have some charisma. Duh. So, I feel like the obvious choice would be an actor, especially one that seems like a bit of an activist and witty and clever and the whole nine yards. The very first one that came to my mind was Tom Hiddleston, because he’s nice and polite and funny and British. However, one person that never ceases to amaze me with her cunning ways and her surprising creativity and strong will is Anne Hathaway. She makes me laugh, she makes me cry, she makes me think, and she never offends me. I want her charisma. Gimme.

 I could keep going on and on about this list, because, like Ursula, I am an evil witch that wants things everybody else has. But, if I were to be anything like Anne Hathaway, then maybe I promote love for myself. But how can I love myself when there are so many better people to love in this world?


 Until next time,


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