Thursday 1 May 2014

"Hey mama, welcome to the 60s, woah, oh oh oh ohhhhhh"

I had to think long and hard about which period in time I'd have liked to be alive in. Sure dinosaurs were cool, but even with as much evidence as we currently have I still find it's a little bit too mysterious for my comfort. Do we really know what life would have been like back then? How do I know if I reeeeally would want to be alive back then. Not only that, but Lord knows I wouldn't last 5 seconds up against a "Long Neck" (sorry, I only know dinosaur types based on what I learned from "The Land Before Time") let alone in a completely uncivilized world constantly in fear I'd find myself inside the mouth of a giant T-Rex.
I also thought about living in Medieval times... But then I realized: poop in the streets. Although I'm sure I'm fabulous enough that I'd be living in the castle courting the King every night and eating his caviar... er... drumsticks? Still though... Poop streets. Gross.
The 80s would probably be cool, right? I mean, the music is amazing; the clothing was outrageous. Everything was so campy and life seemed more fun. But I figured that seemed too much like me now, so what fun would that be? Also, maybe it was a little bit too recent? I was born in '92, after all. That practically makes me an 80s baby, right? Not really at all. But basically...
So what did I decide on, then? Well in case the opening line of this post didn't completely give it away I chose the 1960s. Did you see Zac Efron in "Hairspray?" What's better than 2014 Zac Efron? Well, not much really (have you seen the shirtless stills from "Neighbors" ???!??), but let's just imagine that the answer to that question is 1960s Zac Efron... So without further ado, here is why I think I would be a perfect match with the beloved 1960s:
1) Woodstock Do I really need a valid reason to want to attend the largest musical festival ever held? Imagine being surrounded by a crowd of hippies all tripping on LSD listening to Hendrix, Joplin, The Who, and Jefferson Airplane. These hippies knew where it was at. Not only did they spend 3 days listening to some of the best music known to man, but they spent 3 days swapping out sex partners one after the other. Does it get better than free-love? Not really.
2) Going Against the Grain I've always said that the best you is a genuine you that is true and honest to oneself, independent, and unique. We are all different and were made that way. The 1960s saw a time that went against European values and traditional beliefs of how the world should be. I would kill to be that person who grew his hair out and wore the ugliest fucking bell-bottom pants just because I didn't want to look how I was told I should look. Screw you, Europe!! 3) The Civil Rights Movement This is probably the reason why I most would enjoy living in the 60s. I feel that as a gay individual it's in my nature to be passionate about equality and civil rights, but I find it a passion of mine that goes beyond my DNA. The 1960s was the beginning of a long fight for civil rights. To be able to say that I lent a hand in beginning that incredible movement would truly be something honorable to take to the grave with me. Sure, the gay rights movement was huge in the 1960s, but also equality between races and gender. I try my hardest to involve myself in anything to promote equality in the present day, so to be involved in the beginning of it would be the greatest accomplishment I could ever ask for.
4) Assassination Central Call me sadistic, pathetic, crazy, psycho, whatever... But I kind of wish I could've been alive to witness the assassinations of JFK and Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, etc... Seems like all the big assassinations happened in the 60s. I mean, I don't actually wanna witness their assassinations firsthand, but I think it would be pretty cool to be involved or see the upheaval that occurred when the events happened. I feel like this point totally goes against my other points. Whatever. I'm a little bipolar, I guess.
5) Pop Culture Elvis, The Kinks, Bob Dylan, The Doors, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, The Band, Mary Poppins, Breakfast at Tiffany's, The Sound of Music, Psycho, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Butch Cassidy, The Graduate, Rosemary's Baby, Dick van Dyke, Gilligan's Island, I Dream of Jeannie, Ed Sullivan, The Beverly Hillbillies... I think that pretty much says it all. Cinema and music became so much more in the 1960s. Hello sex, violence, drugs, rock and roll and the beginning of a whole new Hollywood.
So yeah, the 1960s seems pretty cool right? I'm pretty sure this would be a good look for me, I'm just not so sure it's socially acceptable in 2014...

Until next time, xoxo, Cale The Sassy Friend.

1 comment:

  1. HAIRSPRAY is my second favourite John Travolta musical named after a hair product


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