Sunday 11 May 2014

My Mom is Diggier than Your Mom

Those of you who also follow me on Twitter have probably noticed that my use of the hashtag #MomQuote is a pretty good indicator of whether or not I am visiting V-town for a few days.  My mom has delivered her fair share of facepalms over the years, as well as more than a few zingers.  Allow me to elaborate.

To me (in highschool), while eating a can of Planters Mixed Nuts:  “Would you like some nuts or did you get enough this weekend?”

To me, while texting:  “What does ‘IDK’ mean?”
Me:  “I don’t know.”
To my brother:  “What does ‘IDK’ mean?”
Me again:  “I don’t know.”
Angrily to me:  “I know that you don’t know what it means but I’m asking your brother!”

To my brother’s friends, in regards to a hammock:  “You beaked the hammock until you rode the hammock!”

While eating a hotdog:  “I can’t swallow this.  This wiener is gross.”

While lecturing me on not peer pressuring my brother into drinking:  “C’mon Jazmin, it’s just one penis.”

But now that we’ve all had a good laugh at my mother’s expense, let me make it clear- she is a wonderful lady through and through.  Amy Poehler’s character in Mean Girls was based on my mother, actually.  LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL JUST KIDDING.  My mom is actually a legitimately cool mom, or at least as cool as one can be while being your mom.

But what makes her a cool mom is that she doesn’t try to be one.  She has never tried to be my friend when what I needed was a parent.  She did what was right for me in the long-run instead of in the moment and as a result has raised me to be respectful, intelligent, and independent.  And I think that’s pretty cool in and of itself.

My mother taught me that creativity is important and that our imaginations have no limits.  My mother encouraged me to pursue my dreams, regardless of how impossible they may seem.  My mother instilled in me the ability to stand up for what I believe in.  My mother has supported all of my endeavors, from the mundane to the complex.  My mother has put up with my endless supply of pig puns. 

My mother has given me much-needed criticism, telling me not what I wanted to hear but what I needed to hear.  My mother has laughed at my foolish mistakes, yet applauded even the smallest of my successes.  My mother is not afraid to bruise my ego, or to remind me who I am (and who I am not).

My mother has done so much for me over the years and continues to enrich my life every day in a million little ways.  She raised me into the not utter failure of an adult that I am today and she’s still shaping who I am and who I will become.  I could go on and continue listing all of the things that my mother has done for me, but there isn’t enough time in the world to ever get through the full list.

And for that, I thank you mom.


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