Friday 30 May 2014

#FAME (I'm gonna live forever / I'm gonna learn how to fly)


If someone was interviewing you and they asked, “What is Jazmin’s claim to fame?” how would you respond?  Think about that for a moment, and if you’re feeling especially ambitious you can answer in the comments.


When I think about what my claim to fame is, I don’t really know.  I can think of a handful of things I would LIKE for it to be, but as for what it actually is I’m not entirely sure. 

We present ourselves in different ways among different peer groups.  We also mature and grow as individuals as we go through life.  Because of those two variables, I think that my ‘claim to fame’ is very dependent on who you ask.  I’d love to be able to compare the different responses anyone reading this came up with and see how different people perceive me.  I think that’s a desire of so many people- to see how people view us, not because we necessarily let it affect us but because we are naturally curious about such things.

I am almost certain that what I'm known for would vary vastly between the following groups.

Coworkers / Clients:

University Classmates:

Highschool Classmates:

Immediate Family:


Facebook Friends:

Twitter Followers:

And the list goes on.  There are so many things that one person can be known for.

I think that’s very important because it proves that ultimately nobody can decide who you are but you.  We have the power to decide how we behave and what we share with people.  There will always be situations where our reputations will precede us but it’s up to us to either embrace or shrug off those reputations.


Technically, I suppose one’s claim to fame is whatever they did that’s most famous, most widely recognized.  But how do we measure that?  And does infamy count?


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