Sunday 27 April 2014

I ♥ Poodle Skirts


My first instinct was to answer with the fifties.  The fifties have a lot going for them: malt shops, rock’n’roll, drive-in movie theatres, jukeboxes, sock hops, the list goes on.  And don’t even get me started on the clothes; I love me a good poodle skirt.  I kind of adore the fifties.  If I could wake up everyday and have my life be Grease or Happy Days, you better believe I’d be living the dream.

Or would I?  When I actually start to think about my answer, maybe the fifties aren’t for me.  To begin with- I can pick ANY HISTORICAL TIME PERIOD and I’m really going to settle for one so recent?  Not to mention, I’m hardly housewife material and it’s not like there were a lot of other options for women back then.  (Have you seen my cooking/cleaning/laundry skills?  Me neither.)  And, errr, people weren’t exactly known for being very tolerant back then either.  What a bunch of goddamn phonies.

Plus, I’m kind of in a love affair with modern technology.  So if anyone wants to take me to the diner for a burger and then give me your class ring and/or letterman jacket when we start going steady, just know that I will never be as hopelessly devoted to you as I am to my iPhone.

So what other options do I have..?

The 1920s
My second thought was the twenties.  But then I remembered the Prohibition and I scrapped that idea even faster than I thought of it.

Ancient Egypt
As I stated earlier, I love technology.  But I probably wouldn’t miss it as much in ancient Egypt because I could still write on walls and proclaim my love of cats.  Also- MUMMIES!

Ancient Greece
Like the fifties, ancient Greece has a lot going for it: theatre, democracy, every day is a toga party, epic quests.  Wait, epic quests?  Do I really need people to remember my “feats” millennia later?

The 1980s
Visiting the eighties would give me opportunity to wear all the neon, spandex, and legwarmers in my closet.  But the best part of the eighties?  I could just take a DeLorean to visit all the other times I mentioned above!


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