Sunday, 2 February 2014

Around the world in 80 days. I wish.

I'm laying in bed in my hotel suite with my older cousin, Hailey. My little cousin, Deena, just slipped away into the shower. My cousin and I are watching television quietly awaiting the arrival of one of the hotel's maintenance workers to fix our window. The worker finally arrived, inspected the situation, and started getting to work immediately.
The sound of the shower stops. Deena is finished and we hear her getting out. Hailey and I had since turned the volume on the television off as the worker was asking multiple questions regarding the situation.
Cue shit noises from the washroom. Literal shit noises.
*grunt* *uuuuggghhhhh* *errrrghhhhhhh* (insert gross fart noises) "Ohhhhhh ya!!!" (insert more weird fart noises) *EEEEEEHHHHH UUUUHHHHHHHHHHH* "get out of meeeeee!!!!" (more fart noises).... And then repeat this series a couple more times.
Things got mighty awkward for Hailey and I. Things became even more awkward as Deena exited the washroom to the surprise of the maintenance working standing in our hotel room with a look of stun on his face that read "There is no possible fucking way that 8 year-old little girl was actually having that much trouble taking a shit." If you can translate that into Spanish, he was definitely thinking it in that language. I assume his name was Sanchez.

Memories of Disney Land, 2007.

I live in this world of 'think before I do.' Every action is a result of at least thirty highly over analyzed thoughts. Maybe that's not necessarily a bad thing? I am proud of where I currently am in my life. I have a decent job with quite a bit of responsibility for someone so young, I have managed to keep a bank account number higher than all of the Spice Girls' shoes combined, I am extremely healthy, and I'm surrounded by a lot of lovely people.

To me, travel is something that takes an incredible amount of thought. Take my Disney Land trip, for instance. I got a phone call one afternoon from my Aunt Janice with an offer for a free trip to Disney Land with she and her boyfriend of the time, and my two cousins. My one cousin, Deena, who we've already met in my blog, will forever be someone whom I refer to as a best friend. The catch: the trip was over Christmas which meant I would be away from my own family over the holidays. This is where the endless thought processing and multiple "pros and cons" lists comes into play. Thankfully the pros outweighed the cons and I let myself go on the most incredible trip ever.

It's always been that way for me with travel. I think a huge part of it for me comes down to money. When I was in high school there was no way I could afford the travel club trip to Europe alone, and me,  being the lazy tit that I am, had no chance in hell at raising four grand, so there goes went idea. Then in university I had another opportunity to travel to Europe, and alas, I was faced with the same conflicting problem. Perhaps if I'd get off my ass I could've done it, maybe even twice, but I just love being lazy.

And I'll be honest - I really don't wanna travel on anyone elses' agenda but my own.

I have such a desire to travel, though, which is the worst part. The people I envy the most are the ones who just drop everything and go. My friend, Braedon, is the perfect example. He's practically a Registered Nurse already and he's been to more countries around the world while going to school than boys I've kissed. Well... Maybe an exaggeration (Tequila does this thing to me...). I honestly have no idea how he does it, but I am unbelievably jealous. He's worked so hard to do it; from fundraising, to working endless hours, constant saving, and he probably even went to the incredible task of planning some elaborate plan and robbed a bank, BUT HE DID IT. Why can't I? What the hell is stopping me?


The fact that I can't muster up the ability to drop an insane amount of money on one trip. I have this hard time making credit card transactions for huge amounts of money on single things that I won't have much to show from. Yet, for some reason my credit card bill gives me a heart attack/mental breakdown every 4 weeks. Maybe I need to stop spending so needlessly and start spending on things that would truly inspire and potentially change me. i.e. a trip. Sure clothes are fun and alcohol makes for good memories, but it's really not getting me anywhere. If I really think about it, the experience I would get from travel is more to show than any cute pair of shoes or fitted cardigan. People tell me I'm young and that I should be out enjoying life and such, but I wanna enjoy life in other countries before I'm too far down the road and stuck in this oblivion of old age in Saskatoon.

ALTHOUGH, I will say I am DAMN proud of myself because in 2 weeks I am headed to Vancouver and Vegas, by myself (well, with Braedon), on my own dollar, and on my own time. It seems so petty seeing as I have been to Vancouver multiple times already and I intend that my Vegas trip will look something like this...... ---->

 But AT LEAST I am going. And to make it even more amazing it was a totally 'spur of the moment let's buy tickets to Britney in Vegas' kinda decision.

I think travel is exactly what I need. I feel like I'm in a bit of a rut with my life currently. I know that Saskatchewan is not the place for me. I dream of such bigger and better things. Unfortunately I'll never know anywhere else unless I truly experience it. So maybe this blog is my challenge: see the world, experience it, and find where I need to be. Maybe I'll find who I need to be with along the way?

Until next time,

xoxo, Cale
The Sassy Friend.

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