Or how about when Michelle Obama posted this classic #tbt?
Hot daaaaaayumn, girl.
I know you haven't forgotten the time Lea Michelle broke all of our hearts when she broke her silence following Cory Monteith's tragic death
And one word: Beyonce.
These are just a few of the things that took social media by storm this year. When you look back at these few events it's impossible to deny that social media has made things incredibly personal. Beyonce dropped her most personal album ever and made it the most tweeted event in history, children are being unveiled online, The First Lady is posting photos from before she was the most highly regarded woman in all of America, and we're able to address some of the most heart-wrenching and dark moments in our lives. To say that social media has become one of the most personal relationships we have this day would not be a stretch.
It's kind of amazing that we can share these incredible moments in 140 character or less. But I guess if you consider it, a tweet captures a single moment in time. If you can't capture one second of your life in 140 characters or less, then girl, there's probably something wrong with you. The greatest thing about these tweets, however, is that they come with a post-date. Facebook posts have even come so far to being able to add a location to your posts. Creepy, or amazing? Maybe a little bit of both.
How amazing is it that I can search through my Facebook timeline and recall this fantastic moment on March 11, 2011 of our very own Jazmin passed out in probably a really exciting Sociology class that I probably don't even remember because I was too busy killing people on The Sims or Photoshopping pictures of Snooki's face on a unicorn...

Or how rad is it that I know on December 15, 2007 I was watching Kerri eat a cherry muffin at work. Awesome, right? Thank GOD I have a record of this... Obviously a pretty pivotal moment in my life.
So why am I so amazed by all of this? Simple, social media has basically become this massive scrapbook I've created with absolutely no work. Literally the touch of a button on my iPhone or a click on my laptop's track pad and BOOM: all my work is done. I mean, does anyone REALLY have time to cut pictures, glue them on paper, glue more paper on top of it, then frame it was like some more paper, and then probably glue some glitter on it. No one has time for that. Okay, well maybe the glitter. But really, I've created this scrapbook of my life online that I can refer to at any time. IT'S SO EASY.
One of my favorite things to do is go back and watch home movies or look at old photos. Having everything online makes it so much easier now, though. I mean, no one has VHS players anymore so my old videos are practically useless. So how convenient will it be in years from now when I can just log online and look back on my past and maybe even share it with my own family? Seriously, the internet better not blow up. Or I'd die. And this whole post would become pointless. It was also disappear forever, I guess. I'm dead at the thought of it.
So for those of you who claim social media is a total waste of time or are all like "I'm boycotting Facebook," I seriously hope you have fun not having any memories saved, enjoy spending hours creating a scrap book, and I'll be busy clicking buttons and creating memories instantly - and not tagging you in any photos.
So here's to instantly saving memories, creating scrapbooks faster than Harry Potter can say Expecto Patronum, sharing our lives with the world and composing hilarious tweets. Holla.
P.S. If any of you fuckers even wanna try and bring up Snapchat to me I'll probably cut you.
xoxo, Cale
The Sassy Friend.
Great way to put it! As a scrapbooker who hasn't scrapbooked for a couple years (ugh, I grew up!), now I know what FB is good for! :-) I just have to remember to keep up on my posting or it will all be lost in the nothingness of my mind.
ReplyDeleteAhaha I hear ya! I need to work on posting more things that are more relevant that could actually benefit me in the future when I go through it all. Although, I must admit I sure was getting a kick out of reading some of the ridiculous things I was posting back in my younger days.