Wednesday 1 January 2014

The Essence of Giving

It’s not easy to think of the greatest gift that I have ever received or given. Really, I’ve had a lot of awesome gifts and I appreciated every single one of them, even if it was something I didn’t like or didn’t want or need. Because, as cliché as it is, it really is the thought that counts. I have this strange obsession with gifts where I hold sentimental value in any item that someone has given me. I hoard them eternally because I can’t bear to part with them. I always think of how special it is that someone was thinking of me at the time they saw this item and thought it would make me happy to give me something. It could be something as small as a keychain with a funny saying on it, or even a note someone had given me in middle school. It takes a lot for me to let go of those, because it’s a constant reminder of people that care for me. Everyone needs to be reminded that people are thinking of them. But gifts aren’t just the material items you get for you birthday or Christmas or other special occasions; there are larger gifts that people give unknowingly as gifts. For example, a friend’s support is a gift that not a lot of people realize is a gift, and quite a few people go through life without having a lot of support in their endeavours. However, I think that the best gift I’ve ever received would be my education.
                Without my education, I would not have the friend group that I have, which I am extremely grateful for. It’s such an honor to be surrounded by people who are interested in similar things as you and to share experiences in and outside of school. I would not have the adventures that I have had, where I have gone to places I have only dreamed of going, and my education has made it possible for me to achieve those dreams. And to gain a better critical knowledge of the world that will never stop growing. My mind has been opened and stuffed full of ideas, opinions, excitement and thoughts that I have been able to take on many different perspectives of the world, and permit my mind to remain opened to other possible bits of knowledge. I mainly owe this gift to my parents, for which they have worked so hard to allow me to have an education and the support to keep challenging myself to move forward, to develop into a contributing member of society and become an individual of practical knowledge, but to still encourage the creativity I was born with. The reason they have given this to me is because they want nothing but the best for their children; like most parents they want their children to be happy.
I believe that is the spirit of gift giving, because humans have this undying fixation on being happy that creating happiness in others brings happiness to more than the receiver. Gift giving is simply an attempt to make the world a happier place. Happiness is not an umbrella that guards you from the rain, such would be ignorance. Happiness is forgetting your umbrella and having every little rain drop soak your body with a pure and clean essence. My advice to gift givers is to not over think your gifts, because sometimes the smallest and simplest gifts can show much more meaning than a large expensive material item. And my advice to gift receivers is to always remember that each gift you receive is someone trying to make you happy, so even if you don’t like the item that you’ve received, remember that happiness was the main intention and to appreciate it no matter how big or small it is as it is a physical quintessence of the care someone has for you.


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