Wednesday 1 January 2014

I love presents.

"Gift; noun
1: a notable capacity, talent, or endowment
2: something voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation
3: the act, right, or power of giving"

I love gifts. People always say they don't care about receiving gifts and would much rather give them, but let's be honest, who here really doesn't adore getting a gift from someone? Maybe it's because I'm such a horrible gift giver? I try really hard to give thoughtful gifts, I really do, but I always fail. Always. I'm sure my mom would tell you differently, but seriously, I gave her a One Direction gift pack for Christmas. Is she really going to read a biography about them? Judging from the fact that I'm currently sitting in the bathtub and can see it in the basket beside the toilet I'm gonna say "no."
Moral of the story, I definitely prefer being on the receiving end of things. 


I'm materialistic and like things. IS THAT A CRIME? 

Now don't get me wrong, I do love giving things to people. I'm a huge giver. I just don't give good things. I don't want you to think I'm too much of a bitch in this first post. 

So then, since I love things so much, what is the best thing I've ever been given, you ask? Well, let me tell you. My karaoke machine. My brother and I had this tradition where we would wake up at like 4am on Christmas morning and check out our awesome spreads that Santa left and then watch informercials because that was all that was on TV at that time (I'm not sure if the infomercial part was actually tradition or just happened once and for some reason sticks out in my mind as a tradition). Santa never wrapped presents at our house for some reason. We had three couches in our living room, and he had assigned each couch to my one of my two brother's and I and every single year our presents would be laid out perfectly on whichever one was ours (mine was always the love-seat, and it was always overflowing onto the floor - Santa loved me). Anyways, I remember walking down that Christmas morning, turning on the lights, and literally almost pooping myself. There, in it's gigantic, black, shining glory was a karaoke machine. Laid out beside it was a fancy microphone stand and 3 karaoke CDs: N*sync and Backstreet Boys, Spice Girls, and a Pop Hits of Today compilation. I was speechless. I wanted so badly to turn it on right then and there and wake-up my entire family, but I don't think I was capable of even speaking at that time let alone sing. That's how astonished I was. My future as a pop star starts now. 

When I was 8 years old my family went to Kelowna, British Columbia for my cousin Tara's wedding. My fabulous cousin Kristopher had a karaoke machine at their house and I remember one night being over there, surely everyone else was hitting the rum, but Kristopher, my cousin Kelsey and myself stayed on the karaoke machine the whole night. We sang everything. I fell in love with singing instantly. It was at that moment that I had finally discovered something I was passionate about in life. My hockey playing dreams had long ended, I wasn't sure I loved Ukrainian Dance, and figure skating proved to me that I was best off wearing shoes or nothing at all - but singing, I loved it. Thus followed countless family concerts with my cousins, dreams of becoming a professional singer, and one day owning my own pair of high top sneakers and being the sixth member of The Spice Girls. I mean, yeah I would have loved to have been a Backstreet Boy, but little did I know at that point that I just wanted to sleep with Nick Carter but really wanted to spend all day being fabulous with Baby, Posh, Ginger, Scary and Sporty. 

I have never stopped loving to sing. I continued throughout school taking professional lessons, competed in numerous festivals, performed at Church services, talent shows, and every single day of my life in my bedroom on my karaoke machine. I remember singing with the window open and as soon as the song ended one of my best childhood friends yelling outside that she had been listening and absolutely loved what she heard. But my favourite moments were always when I would quickly sneak out of my bedroom as soon as a song finished only to see my father sitting at the bottom of the stairs listening to my song. He loved my singing, and still does. Those moments stick out in my mind like a photograph.

Although it really doesn't seem like much of anything that karaoke machine truly symbolizes what I love most in this world, and that is music and song. I don't know if my cousin hadn't introduced me to the karaoke machine that I would have ever progressed with music to where I have today. So in a sense, I almost have to thank my cousin Kristopher because without him I'm really not sure where I would be today. Would music still be so important in my life? What a fitting person to be thankful for, as well, as he has become so involved with music and performing that he studied theatre abroad and is now a working actor in the UK. He really inspires me and it's a shame that I haven't had much time to get to know him. I will forever hold him accountable for making me have the best Christmas ever when I was eight years old. Thanks Kris! 

I still have the karaoke machine. Unfortunately it doesn't get used nearly as much as it once did. Now its main purpose is for entertaining me when I've had 12 drinks too many. It really is a gift that keeps on giving. Except for that one staff party...

Anyways, here's to hoping that maybe as life goes on my gift giving skills will get better. I'm sure with age it will. Hopefully. Maybe? Probably not. Oh well, at least you know you can make me happy with material things. 

Until next time! 

xoxo, Cale
The Sassy Friend. 

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