Wednesday 8 January 2014

I'm not a loner, I swear.

Is it just a coincidence that I can literally recite every lyric off Ashley Tisdale's album "Guilty Pleasure?" The only coincidence is the title of the album, really. The fact that I can recite every lyric? Well.. That's just to be expected. My favorite part about being gay is the fact that I can literally use it as an excuse for almost every 'guilty pleasure' I have. I'm pre-programmed to lose it every time Britney comes on the radio, right?

I have really bad taste in everything, I'll be the first to admit. I love sappy movies with plots so thin you can literally predict what is going to happen in the next scene from like 12 scenes away. I adore camp. The more cheese, the better. I own more Hilary Duff movies than probably any other actor in Hollywood, and I'll gladly watch each and every one them over-and-over again. Not to mention the fact that I've seen her in concert... twice.

So, basically what I'm saying is that my life is one big guilty pleasure. The thing is, however, am I guilty about any of it? Definitely not. Do I really care what people think of my taste in music, film, television, etc? Not at all. I mean, I do respect and adore things that are much more critically acclaimed. My favourite film of all time is "Requiem for a Dream." But seriously, could anyone watch that every day? Hell no. What could I watch every day? Matthew McConughey singing "you named my penis" to the tune of "You're so Vain" (if you haven't seen How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days get out). Mindless things bring me joy. And I like joy. Who doesn't love being happy?

So if I had to think of one actual guilty pleasure it would probably be that I adore going to the cinema alone. Again... guilty? Not so much. I'd say I'm more-so embarrassed. That's not something a 21 year-old really wants to admit to the public. But the more I think of it, why should I be so ashamed? I'm independent, I like spending time alone, movies are my favourite form of art, and there's ALWAYS that guy or girl sitting by his or herself at the cinema. So why can't it be me?

So there, I admit it: I go to the movies alone. Do I do it often? Not really, but every time I do I love it. I'd actually like to start going more. For those of you sitting there judging me thinking "woooooow what a loser," I've compiled a list of reasons why going to the movies alone is awesome:

1) You can see whatever the hell you want without having to argue or decide with someone else who wants to see something completely different.
2) You can eat whatever the hell you want without judgement from the skinny bitch who came with you. Or if you're the skinny bitch (usually me) you can pack your own fat free, salt free, portioned bag of popcorn and grab it out of your oversized bag without feeling like a complete moron.
3) Running behind? Miss the 7pm showing? Who cares, you're on your own time. Go to the 9pm showing.
4) You don't have to deal with the whole "Oh I said I'd see "Movie X" with Sally and she'll be really upset if I see it without her but I don't wanna see "Movie Y" and I already saw "Movie Z" bull-shit.
5) Watch the movie uninterrupted. I'm the kind who gets completely lost in a movie and soaks in every aspect of it. But we all have that friend who just doesn't get it and has to be constantly kept up to speed with what's going on in the movie.
6) There's always a single seat. There's nothing worse than walking into a theater with three friends only to find that the entire theater is full and you're stuck in the front row and walk away with a neck that feels like you got hit with a hammer. Guess what, when you're alone you pretty much have your run of the mill.
7) I love 3D. Most of my friends don't. AKA, I'll be seeing the 3D and you suckers can watch the 18th century 2D stuff. And I don't have to compromise :)
8) You don't have to feel judged on your film choice. You already know I love chick-flicks. So guess what, I will gladly go and see whatever sappy, feminine, teeny-bopper flick I want. And if I'm feeling artsy I'll go and see the latest Best Film nom and take in the culture, whether you like it or NOT :) :)
9) And finally... Perhaps you'll be the person to inspire someone else to attend a movie alone. Growing up I always thought "what kind of weird-o sees a movie alone" but as I grew older I started growing more and more respect for these people. Eventually I'd seen so many that I worked up the courage to do it myself. Maybe you'll be that person sitting in the cinema by yourself that inspires someone else to do the same.

With this blog coming to an end I leave you with this: a challenge. The challenge is simple, and I'm sure you already know what it is. Go see a movie alone. I bet you'll enjoy it. If you love movies as much as I do I know you will. Tell me in the comments if you have seen a movie alone, or if you take me up this challenge, let me know what you thought of the experience.

Now excuse me while I listen to to "Bangerz" while watching "27 Dresses" as I fan-girl over One Direction.

xoxo, Cale
The Sassy Friend

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