Monday 10 March 2014

down 90 and up 100.

March 10, 2010 via Facebook:

"brushing your teeth and eating an orange is just not something you do, but for whatever reason, I went there, and I gotta say, definitely regretting it."

Four years ago I was so young and naive. 

Four years ago was literally when I began to create a whole new me. I don't mean that in the sense that four years ago I was finishing up my final months of grade twelve preparing to embark on a whole new chapter where I was about to enter university and meet a thousand different people. What I mean is that four years ago I made quite possibly the most positive change I have ever made in my life and I believe that it has been the greatest accomplishment I've ever achieved. 

It was Christmas Eve, 2009. My brothers were both home and we were starting our annual Christmas Eve present opening (we always opened a few gifts on the Eve of Christmas). I had spent the evening at the Baptist church Christmas Eve service with some of my closest friends at the time. These people are no longer the people I am closest too, however, they are still near and dear to my heart and I hold them in the highest regard. Following the service I returned home feeling surrounded by positive energy. I was sure that it was going to be the happiest Christmas ever. That was until my brothers opened up gorgeous designer clothing and I opened up an over-sized baggy sweat shirt from Wrench Fitness (I didn't even go there) and a pair of Husky sweats because I "needed a new pair"  (I must've worn the other ones out...).

I broke down. I escaped to my room almost instantly and cried the rest of the night. I knew at this exact moment I needed to make a change. On December 27th I stepped foot into Herbal Magic and began a journey that created the person I am today. I weighed in at 225 pounds that day and managed to make it to my goal weight of 170 within 3 months and proceeded to lose 35 more pounds until I felt comfortable with my weight; comfortable for the first time in my entire life.

Since then I've accomplished so much physically. I've spent four years of my life progressing in the gym, discovering so much about myself, learning about all kinds of different foods, their benefits, things I can do with them, and I've acquired a lifestyle which a lot of people don't necessarily understand. However, this new lifestyle honestly makes me feel so great and absolutely empowered. I've never been happier and I lend a lot of that towards how far I've come physically. 

I went from a person who ate cake for breakfast to a person who still eats cake for breakfast, but it's a recipe I invented myself using oatmeal and applesauce (it's like carrot cake, but way more satisfying at 8AM... trust me). Exercise was non-existent in my life, and I spent days layering sweaters trying to hide how overweight and ugly I felt. Now I could spend my life in a swimsuit showing off my body. It might not be perfect, or anywhere near that, but it has provided me with so much confidence I can't help but to show it off.  

I can bench press triple the weight I could when I was 18. I can chin up like a champ. I can tell how much a breast of chicken weighs just by looking at it. But more importantly, I can be happy. 

Until next time,

xoxo, Cale
The Sassy Friend. 

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